Monday, February 11, 2013


I saw the minds of my generation being brainwashed by teachers, professors, and bias media,

Who expect everything to be handed to them from some government social program, feeling entitled to anything and everything,

Who have no idea of the meaning of hard work, thanks to pathetic parenting,

I saw the minds of my generation intrigued with their iphones, designer clothes, and “nice rides,” (all charged to mommy and daddy’s credit card.)

Who don’t think deeply about anything, afraid to stand for anything for fear of offending someone else.

Who sit and watch as our country continues to be buried in debt.

I witnessed the minds of my generation forget what our country was founded on, forget about morals, forget about standards, and forget what is important.

1 comment:

  1. I'm interested, of course, in the specifics behind the initial line. What's the nature of the brainwashing? By the way, you got me! I AM trying to brainwash you until you love literature and want to be an English major. ;)
