Monday, February 4, 2013


Words can’t describe the pain
I couldn’t speak for days
It all happened so quickly
And there was no one to blame
I was only a boy
Not ready for real life

Now it would be a different life
But it would not stop the pain
Where was that boy
I counted the days
Was God to blame
If only I could escape quickly

People found out quickly
They tried to help our life
And explained that fate was to blame
I tried to hide the pain
It all dragged on for days
I wouldn’t wish that on any boy

What would you expect from a boy
With a world that changed to quickly
Things got better after many days
I question everything in life
And watched my brothers evade the pain
They thought they were to blame

I’m not sure why they took the blame
Surly no one could fault a boy
Still no one understood such pain
It was my mother that stood strong so quickly
My example of how to live my life
She was there through all the days

It seems so long since those days
I finally see no one is to blame
I can handle this life
No longer a boy
I grew so quickly
Accepting the pain

My days progress with only periodic pain
Forgiveness overpowered blame but not quickly
Life and death something I learned as a boy


  1. You kept my attention throughout the poem. Pretty dark to be honest, but I think that makes this poem so interesting to read. Good work!

  2. This is heart wrenching. And it's a testament to the power of your poem that we, as readers, don't even have to know the triggering event. All that matters is that a tragedy of some sort has occurred, and the reader is focused on the welfare of the boy.
